Baby Bluebird Archer
I met with this gorgeous family to capture their new son just two weeks after welcoming my own.
I was a little nervous knowing how much work and how tiring newborn sessions can be and wouldn't you know it….
these kids were PERFECT. It was such a treat and a blessing to have such a great session
Archer was so handsome and sleepy and big sister Stevie melted my heart as well. She was SO sweet for picture time ( which I hear isn't always her speciality)
Congrats to you guys!
My very own Baby Bluebird
May 13th we finally met Crew! Crew Walter to be exact ( named after my Grandpa, see about tab )
We call him C dub for short….or Cruiser...
We greeted a hefty 8lb 11 oz dude but not without a bit of trouble first.
We all learned what Shoulder Dystocia was that day and it's not a pleasant thing to experience during labor!
Still feeling grateful for the Medical Team who acted fast and delivered one stuck little baby in less than two minutes.
I was nervous about his newborn pictures. Sometimes babies are so tricky to work with and I just KNEW he'd be
that one who poops and sobs the entire time. Luckily….with the help of my insanely nice sister in law/ fellow photog Lindsey
we were able to pull off a decent session! He was a little whiny ( think broken clavicle ) so I cut him some slack
and spared his little shoulder any pose too intricate. A HUGE thank you to Knits by Dawn Couture Phantasies andAll3suns
for creating custom and gorgeous props for this session.
So happy he's here…. that he has no nerve or brain damage from his birth, that he's pretty much stinking adorable, squishy and fits right in with our family.
Welcome little bird….we love you!
Custom pants by Couture Phantasies
Swaddle sack/bonnet Couture Phantasies
Braided vine Basket Knits and Blooms
Multi colored basket fillers All 3 suns
Denim Weave Blanket Knits by Dawn
A better deal is now in store!
I've made a few changes to how I do things here at Bluebird! Pictures with parents are now included in your newborn full sessions! It is no longer a $75 surcharge to add mom and dad.
I have also decided my return clients deserve a better reward! You can now enjoy $50 off a full session EVERY time you come back to hang with me!
if you opt for a mini, take $25 off as a return client.
Now doesn't that….and this picture just make you happy!
The Ross Family
I've been working with this beautiful family since the beginning and they only get more fun and CUTE. If your a fan of show "House Hunters" you may recognize them!I can't wait to see some of these images on an upcoming episode!
Adventures in the Orchard
I've paid several visits to this beautiful fruit farm the past week. It was owned until just recently by my Husbands Family and despite some of their best efforts to keep it that way, it was sold to a developer at the urging of what I'm going to politely call "disgruntled" family members.
I didn't have the honor of growing up working the fruit farm like my husband and his many cousins but even the memories I've created there over the past several years will stay with me a lifetime. It's roots run deep and I'm thankful to capture it's memory.
Time spent amongst the trees is never time wasted - Katrina Mayer
Baby Bluebird Oliver
Words can't even express how fun and perfect this session went! At 34 weeks pregnant myself, I was so grateful for a sleepy baby ! Oliver was so handsome and sweet. A special thanks to my fab Sister In Law Lindsey at Lucy Bloom Photography! She was so helpful.Words